and Buffer Recipes
3M K 5M Ac - Recipe
for the preparation of 3M K 5M Ac.
4F1G - Recipe for 4%
formaldehyde and 1% gluteraldehyde.
Abiotrophia media - Recipe for medium appropriate for growth of Abiotrophia genus
ACD - Blood anticoagulant
Acetamide Medium - Recipe for Acetamide Medium.
Acetobacter Medium - Recipe for medium appropriate for the growth of Acetobacter genus.
Acetic Lacmoid
- Acetic lacmoid stain Recipe.
Acetic Orcein
- Acetic orcein stain Recipe.
- Solution used for chromosome staining.
Acid Alcohol Decolorizer
- reagent used in acid fast staining.
Acid Cleaning Solution - Recipe for acid cleaning solution.
Acridine Orange
- a nucleic acid selective metachromatic stain useful
for cell cycle determination.
Acyrlamide (30%) - Used
for acrylamide gels (obviously)
Acrylamide (40%) - Used
for acrylamide gels (obviously)
Actinoplanes Medium - Media used to grow certain Actinoplanes species
Agrobacterium Agar Recipe - Agar appropriate for growth of Agrobacterium genus
Albert stains
- reagents used to demonstrate volutin granules and
cytoplasm in diphtheria organisms.
Alcoholic Bouin’s Fixative - For the fixation of kidney biopsies.
Alicyclobacillus Agar - Recipe for Alicyclobacillus Agar.
Alicyclobacillus Medium - Recipe for Alicyclobacillus Medium.
Alkaline Lysis
Buffer 2 - Recipe for the preparation of alkaline
lysis buffer 2. Used for plasmid prep.
Alkaline Lysis
Buffer 3 - Recipe for the preparation of alkaline
lysis buffer 3. Used for plasmid prep.
Alkaline Lysis
Buffer A - Recipe for the preparation of alkaline
lysis buffer A (alkaline lysis buffer 1 after the addition
of lysozyme). Used for plasmid prep.
Allantoin mineral agar - Recipe for the preparation of Allantoin minimal agar.
Allantoin mineral medium - Recipe for the preparation of allantoin minimal medium.
Amido Black -
Recipe for making amido black. Amido black is an amino
acid dye used to detect blood. It stains the proteins
in blood a blue-black color.
Ashbya Full Medium - Recipe for the production of Ashbya full medium.
Azotobacter Agar - Agar appropriate for growth of Azobacter genus.
B5 Fixative - Fixative useful for bone marrow biopsies and lymph nodes when lymphomas are suspected.
Bacillus agar - Agar used to grow some Bacillus species.
Bacillus broth - Agar used to grow some Bacillus species.
Bang's Reagent - Used for determination of glucose.
Bacillus schlegelii Medium - Medium appropriate for the growth of Bacillus schlegelii.
Barfoed's Solution - Used for the detection of monosaccharides in solution.
Benedict's solution - Used for glucose estimation.
Bennett's Medium - media used for growth of some Actinoplanes species.
Best's Carmine - Bests Carmine stain Recipe used for selectively staining
Bifidobacterium Medium - Recipe for Bifidobacterium medium.
Blue green algae
agar - Recipe for blue green algae agar.
Blue green algae
broth - Recipe for blue green algae broth.
Bouin's Fixative - Used as a mordant for staining procedures
Bradford's Reagent - Protein assay dye.
Brain Heart Infusion Glucose Agar - Recipe for Brain Heart Infusion Glucose Agar.
Bromthymol Blue - Reagent used as an acidic indicator or as a measure
of photosynthetic or respiratory activity.
Caulobacter Agar - Recipe for Caulobacter Agar.
Caulobacter Medium - Recipe for Caulobacter Medium.
Carmalum stain -
used for cell nuclei.
Cantharellus Agar Recipe - Recipe for Cantharellus agar.
CASO agar - Recipe
for CASO agar.
Cell Staining
Buffer - Cell staining buffer Recipe for use
in staining cells prior to FACS analysis.
Clostridium thermocellum Medium - Recipe for medium appropriate for growth of Clostridium thermocellum.
Coomassie Blue
- Used for staining protein gels.
agar - Recipe for Corynebacterium agar.
Creatinine Medium - Recipe for the production of creatinine medium.
Czapek Agar (CZA) - Recipe for Czapek Agar (CZA).
Denhardt solution
(50x) - Recipe for the preparation of Denhardt
solution 50x.
Denhardt solution
(100x) - Recipe for the preparation of Denhardt
solution 100x.
DEPC treated water
- Recipe for the preparation of Diethylpyrocarbonate
(DEPC) treated water.
Destain Solution
- Recipe for the preparation of destaining solution.
Desulfovibrio medium - Recipe for Desulfovibrio Medium.
DNA Loading Buffer
(Orange G) - Better than Xylene cyanol for very
low molecular weight DNA as it usually runs around the
20-30bp range on 1% agarose.
DNA Loading Buffer
(XC/BB) - 10X Xilene Cyanol/Bromophenol Blue DNA
loading buffer. Better for DNA of larger molecular weight.
ELISA blocking
solution - Solution suitable for blocking for
most ELISA assays.
ELISA coating
buffer - Solution suitable for most ELISA coating
EMB Media - Used
for Detecting Sugar Fermentation
Ehrlich's Solution
- Indol test reagent.
Field's Stain
- a rapid stain used commonly on thin films for malarial
Fixation solution
- Fixation solution for tissues.
Flagella Stain
- allows for the direct observation of flagella.
Formaldehyde Gel Running Buffer
- Recipe for the preparation of formaldehyde gel running
Fruit Fly media
- General purpose media for fruit flies.
Gastric Juice Recipe
- This solution is helpful when trying to determine
the half-life of a drug product in gastric juice.
Gentian Violet Stain
- Reagent used in the gram-stain procedure.
Giemsa stain
- used on blood and bone marrow.
agar - Recipe for Gluconobacter agar.
Glucose Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (GPYA) - Recipe for Glucose Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (GPYA).
Glucose Yeast Extract Agar - Recipe for Glucose Yeast Extract Agar.
GTGB (20X) - Glycerol
tolerant gel buffer (20X)
Halobacterium agar - Recipe for the preparation of Halobacterium agar.
Halobacteria Medium - Recipe for Halobacteria Medium.
Hank's Buffered Salt Solution
(HBSS) - Recipe for the preparation of Hank's
Buffered Salt Solution (HBSS).
Hellings (10x) -
Recipe for the preparation of 10X Hellings.
Hollande's Fixative - Primary fixative for gastrointestinal and prostate tissues
Buffer - Recipe for Tissue Homogenization Buffer
for ELISA.
Kovacs' Reagent
- Indol test reagent.
LB Agar - Recipe for
the preparation of LB agar bacterial media.
LB broth - Recipe for
the preparation of LB broth bacterial media.
LB broth (low salt)
- Recipe for the preparation of low salt LB broth bacterial
Luminous Medium - Recipe for Luminous Medium.
M17 media - Recipe
for the preparation of M17 media.
M9 minimal media
- Minimal salts bacterial media.
Malachite Green
- Malachite green is a relatively weakly binding dye
for staining bacterial spores. A decolorizer is not
necessary for this dye.
Mallory's Triple Stain
- A reagent especially suitable for studying connective
Mannitol agar
- Recipe for mannitol agar.
Mannitol broth
- Recipe for mannitol broth.
Marine agar -
Recipe for marine agar. Used for the growth of several
marine bacteria.
Marine broth
- Recipe for marine broth. Used for the growth of several
marine bacteria.
Masson's stain
- a trichrome stain for connective tissue.
Melzer's Reagent
- a stain used to study the cellular structure of fungi.
Methyl Green
- a commonly used counterstain that stains cell nuclei
light green.
Methyl Orange
- a commonly used indicator dye that changes color in
acidic conditions from red (at pH 3.1) to orange-yellow
(at pH 4.4).
Methylamine Salts Agar - Recipe for methylamine salts agar
Methylamine Salts Medium - Recipe for methylamine salts medium
Modified Chopped Meat Medium - Used for the growth of several anaerobic bacteria.
MRS media - Recipe
for MRS media. MRS media has been used for the recovery
of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from various food products.
MS-Medium - Recipe for MS-medium.
MY medium - Maltose yeast extract bacterial growth medium.
N4 Mineral Medium - Recipe for the produciton of N4 Mineral Medium.
N-Z amine agar with soluble starch and glucose - Agar used to grow some Actinomadura species
NADI reagent
- commonly used as a test for indophenol oxidase.
Nitrosomonas europaea medium - Recipe for the production of Nitrosomonas europaea medium.
Nutrient agar
- Recipe for nutrient agar suitable for growth of many
bacterial species.
Nutrient broth
- Recipe for nutrient broth suitable for growth of many
bacterial species.
NZCYM - NZ amine, NaCl,
bacto-yeast extract, casamino acids, and magnesium sulfate.
NZM - NZ amine, NaCl,
and magnesium sulfate.
NZYM - NZ amine, NaCl,
bacto-yeast extract, and magnesium sulfate.
Oatmeal agar - agar used to grow some Actinomadura species.
Oenococcus Medium - Recipe for the preparation of Oenococcus medium.
Osmophilic Agar - Recipe for Osmophilic Agar.
Osmophilic Medium - Recipe for Osmophilic Medium.
Pancreatic juice
- useful if you need to know the half-life of a drug
product in pancreatic juice.
stain - used commonly for cancer screeing and
smear preparations of various bodily secretions.
(2%) - Recipe for 2% Paraformaldehyde.
PBS (1X) - Phosphate buffered
saline (1X)
PBS (10X) - Phosphate buffered
saline (10X)
PBST (1X) - Phosphate
buffer saline tween-20.
Phenol red lactose
broth - turns yellow when lactose is fermented.
Potato-Carrot Medium - agar used to grow some Actinoplanes species.
Propionibacterium Agar Recipe - Agar appropriate for the growth of Propionibacterium.
Propionibacterium Medium Recipe - Medium appropriate for the growth of Propionibacterium.
PYS agar - agar used to grow some Actinomadura species.
R Medium - R Medium Recipe.
Red blood cell (RBC)
lysis buffer - Recipe for the preparation of
red blood cell (RBC) lysis buffer.
Rolled Oats Mineral Agar - Recipe for Rolled Oats Mineral Agar.
Saccharose agar - Recipe for the production of saccharose agar
Saccharose medium - Recipe for the production of saccharose medium
Schiff's reagent
- structures rich in polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides,
or glycolipids are the principal tissues stained with
Schiff's reagent after acid degreadation.
SOB media - Tryptone/yeast
extract bacterial media.
SOC media - Tryptone/yeast
extract bacterial media.
5% Sorbitol agar - Recipe for the production of 5% sorbitol agar.
5% Sorbitol medium - Recipe for the production of 5% sorbitol medium.
Sour Dough Medium - Recipe for the preparation of sour dough medium.
SSC (20X) - Sodium chloride
and sodium citrate.
SSPE (20X) - NaCl, NaH2PO4-H2O,
and EDTA
Starch - Mineral Salt (STMS) Agar - Recipe for starch - mineral salt (STMS) agar.
STET - Sucrose, triton
x-100, EDTA, and sodium Azide.
Styrene Mineral Salts Medium - Recipe for Styrene Mineral Salts Medium.
Synthetic sea water
- Recipe for synthetic sea water. Used as a base for
growth media for an assortment of marine bacteria.
TAE (50X) - Tris, acetic
acid, and EDTA.
TBE (10X) - Tris, boric
acid, and EDTA.
TBS (1X) - Tris buffered
TBST - Tris buffered
saline with tween-20.
TE (1X)
- Tris and EDTA.
Terrific broth
- Recipe for the preparation of terrific broth bacterial
TES - Tris, EDTA, and sodium chloride.
TGB (5X) - Tris glycine
buffer (5X).
Thermus Agar - Recipe for agar appropriate for the growth of Therums genus
Thermus Medium - Recipe for media appropriate for the growth of Therums genus
Thiobacillus Medium F2 - Recipe for the production of Thiobacillus medium F2
- Tris and NaEDTA.
Tomato Juice Agar - Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice agar.
Tomato Juice Medium - Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice medium.
Tomato Juice Yeast Extract Agar - Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice yeast extract agar.
Tomato Juice Yeast Extract Medium - Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice yeast extract medium.
TPE - Recipe for the
preparation of Tris-phosphate-EDTA.
Trypan blue -
Recipe for the preparation of trypan blue.
TSY agar - Trypticase
soy yeast agar Recipe.
TSY broth - Trypticase
soy yeast broth Recipe.
TTE (1X) - Recipe for
the preparation of 1X TTE buffer.
TYG Medium - Tryptone, yeast, glucose bacterial growth medium.
TYX Medium - Tryptone, yeast, xylose bacterial growth medium.
Urea Medium - Recipe for the preparation of urea medium
Uric Acid Medium - Recipe for the preparation of uric acid medium
Western transfer
buffer - Recipe for the preparation of Western
transfer buffer.
Whey Agar - Recipe for the preparation of whey agar.
Whey Medium - Recipe for the preparation of whey medium.
Wickerham Salt Agar - Recipe for Wickerham Salt Agar.
Wickerham Salt Medium - Recipe for Wickerham Salt Medium.
Wolfe's Mineral Solution - Mineral supplement used in many bacterial medium recipes.
Wolfe's Vitamin Solution - Vitamin supplement used in many bacterial medium recipes.
X-gal staining
solution - Solution that can be used for staining
x-gal containing tissues.
Yeast Extract Glucose Medium - Yeast Extract Glucose Medium Recipe.
YEL Agar - Recipe for YEL Agar.
YMF agar recipe - Recipe for preparation of YMF agar.
YMF medium recipe - Recipe for preparation of YMF medium.
YMG agar - Recipe
for yeast and malt extract with glucose agar. This agar
is used for a number of Streptomyces species.
YMG broth - Recipe for
yeast and malt extract with glucose media. This media
is used for a number of Streptomyces species.
YPD Agar - Yeast
extract/peptone/dextrose bacterial agar.
YPD Media - Yeast
extract/peptone/dextrose bacterial media.
YPG Media - Yeast
extract/peptone/galactose bacterial media.
YPM Agar - Recipe for YPM agar.
YPM Medium - Recipe for YPM medium.
YT Media (2x) - Yeast
extract/tryptone bacterial media.
Zenker's Fixative - Nuclear fixative also used as a mordant in some staining procedures.